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Covers and Illustrations

E-book Cover

Tried and Trusted Indie Publishing can help with the creation of an attractive front cover containing title and author text.

For fiction covers, this will generally mean having the height 1.6 times the width. The minimum size will be 625 pixels on the shortest side with a minimum of 1000 pixels on the longest side. For best quality, we recommend 2500 pixels on the longest side.

You can either provide an image of your own, one that you have sourced and licensed, or we can help look for a suitable image to license. Alternatively, you can choose an original design by one of our illustrators.

Result saved as PDF or JPEG file at a resolution of 300 dpi and suitable for display on all e-book sales platforms.



Print Book Cover

Tried and Trusted Indie Publishing can help with the creation of an attractive cover for your print edition

Title and author text will be added to the front cover and spine (if the book spine is wide enough), and the blurb you provide will be placed on the back along with the ISBN barcode. Cover will be sized to suit the required trim dimensions.

If you do not already have an ebook cover, you can either provide a cover image of your own (one that you have sourced and licensed) or we can help look for a suitable image to license. Alternatively, you can choose an original design by one of our illustrators.

The full cover design will be saved as a print quality PDF file, and the front cover will also be saved as a 300dpi JPEG file in a size suitable for display on book sales platforms. (Minimum width by height 625 x1000 pixels up to about 1600 x 2400 pixels.)

Print Books require an ISBN that is unique to the print edition. You cannot use the same ISBN as on the e-book version or a different format of print. If you do not have one already, then you may purchase an ISBN through Tried and Trusted Indie Publishing.




Do you require:

·      Illustrations for children’s books?

·      Illustrations to add to junior fiction books?

·      Illustrations for a specific project?

·      Please feel free to discuss your needs with us.




Picture Books

Tried and Trusted Indie Publishing can assist authors of children’s picture books with the layout of text and images for print or e-book versions.

We can create a cover design using either:

– a high quality image provided by the author

– an image sourced from a stock photo site and licensed for use

– a design created by one of our illustrators

If additional images are required for internal illustrations, Tried and Trusted Indie Publishing g can work with authors to provide these.

For print books, we can format the manuscript to suit the selected trim size and for both, the finished layout will we saved as a PDF file.


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